Tips To Increase Customer Base



As your business moves forward, you also want the number of your customers to increase. There are many ways to do this.

No matter how good your product is, it’s useless if no one is purchasing it. Your customer is an integral part of the success of your business. And to keep your business profitable, it is a must to retain customer loyalty as you expand your customer base. Here are some ways to help you.

1.    Learn more about your audience. Before starting any business, you should be able to identify your target market to focus more on their wants and needs. This way, you can come up with solutions to their problems. Using various marketing tools can help boost your customer base. But remember that you need to target the right audience so you do not waste your resources. You need to directly sell to your target audience and let them speak about their experience with their purchase to help encourage others.

2.    Ensure good customer service. The success of your business does not only rely on the number of sales you make each day. It is also essential to provide outstanding customer service as this reflects on the whole company. Customers may raise some issues. The goal is to give a good impression to each customer each time. Thus, when a customer reaches out to share something such as dissatisfaction over a product or service, customers should be readily heard and be given an immediate solution. Choosing the people to work for the business should be efficiently filtered. Employees must learn how to empathize with customers. Hearing your customers’ suggestions, feedback, or comments makes them feel valued. Never allow an angry customer to leave without reassuring them that the complaint will be given a solution.

3.    Take advantage of technology. We are lucky to enjoy the benefits of being in the Digital Age! Social media platforms help businesses get known in a particular area, in different parts of the country, and worldwide (if selling the products and services internationally). Promoting your business using various marketing strategies encourages more people to check on a specific product or company. You may have noticed how some brands are active on Facebook because of how many people use it daily. The ongoing promotions made by businesses engage their audience more and persuade them to check them out.

4.    Strengthen networking. A satisfied customer is your walking advertisement. Once they share their experience, others are likely to support the business, too. Thus, it is essential, too, that a business owner strengthen his relationships in his network. It is necessary to gain other people’s trust in you so they would be more encouraged to know about what you offer and try them out. If they feel that the products and services you offer are worth it, they will not hesitate to share a good word or two with their friends, too. Hence, as a business owner, you must keep that trust, thereby providing only the best quality products and services to back up the sound words that your network has in “marketing” your business.

5.    Consider taking a partner brand with a good reputation and a large following. Once another brand agrees to be a partner, their customer base will be willing to try out what you offer. Of course, they would be curious about what is unique about your business that their trusted brand agreed to partner with.

6.    Offer incentives, vouchers, etc. Who wouldn’t want to receive anything for free? This is an effective method to let people know what you have to offer before they purchase. Newly-launched food products sometimes have kiosks in supermarkets that offer free tasting of these items. Introducing them to the public this way helps gain an instant following. After tasting the free food, they can purchase it immediately if they are happy with how the food tastes. The same goes with some other products which may offer a free trial, a free two-month subscription to a magazine, or vouchers that customers can use on their next purchase.

7.    Implement a customer loyalty program. Notice how well-known brands have now taken advantage of this marketing program. By offering them something valuable to their needs, customers will likely remain loyal to your brand, which means constantly purchasing from your store.



Never get tired of discovering other ways how to increase your customer base. Test various strategies. Try out new approaches and identify which works better from all of these. Refine them as needed to help your customer base grow further. 


You may contact Armando “Butz” Bartolome for questions and more information.

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FB Page: Armando Bartolome

